filing or e-filing is a method of filing of all documents (including Tax,
Legal, company affairs etc.), that uses an electronic format rather than a
traditional paper format, from your office or home through internet. By
reducing courier and copying fees, use of paper, and staff time, E-Filing
can be a tremendous cost savings.
Under MCA21 the Companies registered with Registrar of Companies (ROC). The
directors of the companies are required to take the digital signatures from
the certifying authorities for e-filing of all the documents, which is
required to be submitted to the ROC.
As part of the Governments commitment to governance reforms, MCA21
program has been designated as the flagship e-Governance initiative of the
Government of India under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP).
MCA21 is envisioned to provide anytime and anywhere services to businesses.
It is a pioneering program being the first mission mode e-governance project
being undertaken in India.
Renuka Infocom Pvt. Ltd. (Sub CA) is legally authorized to issue valid
digital signatures as per IT Act 2000, CCA GOI.
With the new Regulations as per the IT Act, 1961 every company and
partnership firms are also required to file the documents electronically
using digital signatures.
You are kindly requested to take CLASS 2 OR ABOVE digital signatures for
Click here to enroll for a
digital certificate.
Click here for prices.